Watercraft Inspections

Transportation of water or any plants or animals on watercraft is prohibited by State Law. Watercraft Inspections play a key role in the District’s efforts to reduce aquatic invasive species spread in our waterbodies.

Protecting our waters from invasive species

It is generally recognized that the most effective strategy against invasive species is to prevent their introduction and establishment. Therefore, preventing the spread of invasive species is the primary objective of the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention & Management Program. Watercraft inspectors offer education to boaters and supervision of actions to limit the spread of invasive species. Watercraft inspection surveys also provide valuable information about boat traffic and boater compliance with aquatic invasive species laws. Unfortunately, District lakes have some invasive species already present including curly-leaf pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil, flowering rush, zebra mussels, and several others. The watercraft inspection program helps prevent the introduction and spread of other equally devastating invasive species such as spiney water flea and starry stonewort- problems in other lakes across the state.

Funding for the CLFLWD’s watercraft inspection program is provided by multiple sources including the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Aid Program for both Washington and Chisago counties, local municipalities, and local interest groups. Inspectors are stationed across all five public accesses in the District. District-wide, watercraft inspectors performed 8,956 inspections and worked 3,673.75 hours in 2022. You can learn more about the District’s watercraft inspection goals in the 2022-2031 Watershed Management Plan.

District Watercraft Inspectors pose by by AIS signage at Forest Lake public access