The Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District encompasses 49 square miles, over 20 named lakes, approximately 300 drainage ditches, the Sunrise River system, and over 1000 wetlands.
District Wide Overview
In the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District, water flows through a system of public drainage systems, rivers, and lakes to the Sunrise River, which ultimately flows out of the District’s boundaries and to the St. Croix River. The CLFLWD is divided into four major lake management districts for planning and project purposes. The four lake management districts include Bone Lake, Forest Lake, Little Comfort Lake, and Comfort Lake. Each major lake district is divided into smaller subwatersheds for monitoring and project work.

Bone Lake Management District
Moody, Bone, Sea, Lendt, Pine, First, Second, Third, Fourth
Comfort Lake Mangement District
Comfort, Ashton,
Forest Lake Management District
Forest, Shields, Keewahtin, Elwell, Cranberry, Twin, Clear
Little Comfort Lake Management District
Little Comfort, School,
Birch, Nielson
Monitoring and Data
Monitoring is an essential part of the District’s annual work in the watershed. The data from monitoring allow the District to assess progress toward watershed goals, identify areas for restoration or enhancement, and determine the effectiveness of water quality projects.

Aquatic Invasive Species
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) in our lakes and waterbodies can affect water quality, recreation, and overall system health. The District’s AIS Program includes watercraft inspections, early detection and rapid response to new invasions, invasive species research in partnership with research institutions, aquatic plant surveys, common carp management, and direct management of invasive species through herbicide or mechanical removal where appropriate.
Native Plantings & Shoreline Restorations
The quality of shorelines has a direct impact on water quality in our lakes. The District has extensive goals for protecting and restoring shorelines and is developing a comprehensive program to support residents, lake associations, and communities protect their shorelines and their lakes.