Washington Judicial Ditch-6 Wetland Restoration

Project Description & Outcomes

The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of phosphorus entering Forest Lake via Washington Judicial Ditch-6 (WJD-6).

WJD-6 is a public drainage ditch located on the south side of Forest Lake. A study conducted by the Watershed District in 2016 revealed that the water entering Forest Lake from WJD-6 has high levels of phosphorus. Phosphorus is a naturally occurring nutrient that can encourage algae growth and lower water quality. One pound of phosphorus can support up to 500 pounds of algae growth.

The proposed project will restore a wetland along WJD-6 by excavating phosphorus rich sediment and restoring native vegetation. This process will create deeper pools of water and shallow wetland benches that will allow the wetland to naturally remove phosphorus and suspended soil from the water. The restored native vegetation will also provide habitat for wildlife.

Water levels upstream and downstream of the project site will not be affected.

This project was identified as a result of the Forest Lake Diagnostic Study and subsequent WJD-6 Assessment and Feasibility Study (Phase 1 | Phase 2).

The CLFLWD received a $386,000 Clean Water Fund (CWF) grant from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) for this project.

Project Status


Project Outcomes

20 lbs/yr phosphorus removal

3,200 lbs/yr sediment removal

10.8 acre-ft flood storage added

3.7 acres wetland restored


Clean Water Fund Grant: $386,000 (Grant Report)

CLFLWD Grant Match: $110,420

Total Project Budget : $496,420

Lifecycle cost:

$500 per pound of phosphorus removed

What does this mean?


2022: Project development and design

2023-2024: Project construction

Project Partners