Public Notice: Curlyleaf Pondweed Treatment

Notice is hereby given that the Comfort Lake - Forest Lake Watershed District will be conducting an aquatic invasive species herbicide treatment of curly-leaf pondweed on Forest Lake and Shields Lake.

Public Notice

Curlyleaf pondweed is not native to the United States and often causes problems due to excessive growth. When control is necessary, herbicides and harvesting can be effective. In order to reduce mid-summer die-back and phosphorus release, the CLFLWD manages curly-leaf pondweed on lakes within the District that have nuisance levels of growth. Historically, Forest, Bone, and Shields Lakes require annual curly-leaf pondweed treatments.

At this time the CLFLWD will be treating of 3.07 acres of curly-leaf pondweed on Shields Lake and 61.55 acres on Forest Lake. More details can be found in the official public notices linked below.


Curlyleaf pondweed photo by Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center