Moody Lake Capstone Projects
Project Description & Outcomes
The Watershed District has completed a number of water quality projects around Moody Lake in the past 10-years. Because of those projects, Moody Lake is currently over 88% of the way to achieving its long-term water quality goal. This capstone project is intended to achieve the final 12%.
The Moody Lake Capstone Project is comprised of several smaller projects that are designed to address the remaining phosphorus load entering Moody lake from the surrounding landscape.
Phosphorus is a naturally occurring nutrient that can encourage algae growth and lower water quality. One pound of phosphorus can support up to 500 pounds of algae growth.
The proposed projects include two small wetland enhancements (removal of phosphorus rich soils), an upland restoration, and improvements to Moody Lake Park that include stabilization of the shoreline and construction of a rain garden. The projects are estimated to remove around 58 pounds of phosphorus each year from directly entering the Moody Lake.
Watershed load reduction goals were identified as a result of the Moody Lake Diagnostic Study.
Bone Lake will also benefit from these projects due to the direct connection between the lakes.
The CLFLWD received a $239,500 Clean Water Fund (CWF) grant from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) for this project.
Project Status
Project Outcomes
58 lbs/yr phosphorus removal
140 lbs/yr sediment removal
0.8 acre-ft flood storage added
0.50 acres wetland restored
Clean Water Fund Grant: $239,500 (Grant Report)
CLFLWD Grant Match: $59,875
Total Project Budget : $299,375
Lifecycle cost:
Average $400 per pound of phosphorus removed
2022: Project development and design
2023-2024: Project Construction