Forest Lake Enhanced Street Sweeping
Project Description & Outcomes
This project utilized research conducted by the University of Minnesota to develop an enhanced street sweeping plan for the City of Forest Lake that optimizes removal of phosphorus and total solids. This enhanced street sweeping plan has been adopted and implemented by the City of Forest Lake as part of its regular street maintenance program. Enhanced street sweeping implementation is estimated to result in a phosphorus reduction of 309 pounds per year and a total solids reduction of 808,557 pounds per year. Benefitted waterbodies include Forest Lake, Comfort Lake, Shields Lake, Lake Keewahtin, and Clear Lake (Rice Creek WD). Results at each lake vary; see 2019 monitoring results for more details.
This program received the 2022 League of Minnesota Cities City of Excellence Award, and the City of Forest Lake was awarded the 2022 CLFLWD Watershed Champion Award.
The CLFLWD received a $36,000 Clean Water Fund (CWF) grant for the street sweeping plan and the City of Forest Lake received a $220,000 Clean Water Fund grant for the purchase of a vacuum sweeper.
Project Status
Project Outcomes
309 lbs/yr phosphorus removed by sweeper
808,557 lbs/yr sediment removed by sweeper
Clean Water Fund Grants: $256,000
City of Forest Lake Grant Match: $27,500
CLFLWD Grant Match: $28,415
RCWD Grant Match: $8,085
Estimated 10-Year Operating Costs (City): $770,000
Total Project Budget (10-Yr) : $1,090,000
Lifecycle cost:
$350 per pound of phosphorus removed
2017-2018: Planning
2019-Present: Program implementation